Junior Classes
Discover the wonderful world of aerial acrobatics! Our aerial classes cover silks, lyra (hoop), trapeze and straps techniques. Students will learn to create incredible poses in the air, perform spinning tricks and once advanced enough can even learn to perform drops. Discover the art of flying in a safe atmosphere with educated instructors.
Students will gain a practical dance education in ballet, progressively developing technical, musical and performance skills. Following the ComDance syllabus, students will progress through the ballet levels and have the opportunity to participate in ballet examinations.
This genre combines dance techniques with acrobatics using unique choreography which seamlessly blends artistic dance movement and tricks together. Students will learn tricks, tumbles, limbers and basic contortion in a safe environment. Modern partnering techniques are also incorporated into acro classes.
An energetic class to on trend music, with a fun and upbeat atmosphere. The classes include age-appropriate strengthening warm-ups, as well as stretching techniques to encourage young muscles, travelling movements, centre combinations, leaps, turns and routines.
Following the Glenn Wood Tap syllabus, dancers practice a series of tap steps, adding more difficult combinations as they become more proficient. Tap dancing is a fun way to develop musicality, timing and balance.
Students will learn to use the body’s natural lines and energy to create new movements, which have a greater range and fluidity. Our contemporary/lyrical class is well structured and incorporates relaxation, suspension, falling, floor work, jumps and travelling sequences.
Examinations are offered under the Comdance Modern Jazz and Ballet, Glenn Wood Tap, Aerial Arts and the Acrobatic Arts syllabus. Exams are designed to encourage, motivate and reward students, with their progressive structure. It is the directors' decision if a student is ready to sit for an examination - participation is by invitation only. Invitations are sent via email to join our Company/Eisteddfod team. Participation in our End Of Year Concert is not compulsory but is highly encouraged.